Who really cares…
Who misses us when we’re not there
Is it the wind that whispers our name
Or the silence that settles in our chair
Do the stars take roll call
Counting who's missing, who's fallen, who's gone
Does the moon dim its glow
For the absence of one
Tell me, who really notices the void we leave
Is it just the dust on the shelf that grieves
Does the clock skip a beat
Or the world keep its time
When we fade from the frame
Do we linger in their minds
They say we all leave footprints in the sand
But what if the tide’s too impatient to stand
What if the waves erase our trace
And the shore forgets the curve of our face
Who really misses us
Do they feel the weight of our space
Or is it just a fleeting ache
A passing thought they can't quite place
See, we crave to be seen
To be felt, to be known
To have someone call our absence home
But what if the answer’s not "who," but "when"
Not "who will care," but "will you begin"
Because maybe the question isn’t theirs to bear
Maybe it’s us—do we really care
Do we leave the kind of mark that sticks
Or let love slip through our fingers like a magic trick
So, who really misses us, when we’re not there
Maybe it’s the ones who shared our air
The ones who know the rhythm of our laugh
The ones who would follow our broken path
But maybe, just maybe, the one we seek
The care, the miss, the love we need
Starts in the mirror, in the eyes we meet
Because the first to care has to be me
So I ask again
Who really cares, who misses us, when we’re not there
The answer’s not a name
It’s the heart that dares
