Each day I wake
I'm moving closer to death
Each beat of my heart
Each exhale of my breath
Each time I run
And in the end
I touch my chest
I'm moving closer to being gone
This isn't a hello
Nor goodbye
It's the realization
That the years are passing by
So quickly
Will they miss me
All who have laughed
All who have come across my path
Will they remember
When my body is no longer limber
And my eyes no longer shimmer or dance
Alas at their final glance
Will they take the chance to tell the world, their world
That I left my mark upon their collective hearts
I've been blessed without a doubt
And there are times when I want to let it out
And tell the world in a quiet shout
What living is all about

One can have riches
But they'll eventually fade away
You see when you're gone
You're no longer allowed to throw shade
And stand in it
She kissed my cheek and I cried inside
All of my emotions came alive
There was a fire which burned me long ago
Killed all of dreams
And I haven't any crops to show
But her kiss brought me back
Back to center
Back to home
Back to realizing
I haven't got long, to hold on to these moments whilst still alive
Each day I wake
I move closer to death
I move closer to taking my final breath
I pray the Lord will forgive my debt
And allow me to see these flowers grow from above
In essence allow my spirit to continue to sprinkle them with love