I'm afraid that I only have a short window to share how I feel
A short window to look through and peel
All of the scars which
The rain droplets didn't wash away
I'm afraid my window is made up of
Browns and grays
Black lines and a wing
Which sits lonely on display
I want to fly away
Instead I keep fighting to find a way
Back home
Home to you
You have no clue where I sit or I stand
In all truthfulness
I cannot remember the last time
There was electricity in your hand
Electricity in your kiss
As I stare out into the abyss
I'm beginning to wonder
IF I should have made contact
Purposely attempted to miss

The rain is falling down upon the roof
And I promised that I would tell you the truth
We rise and we fall
We think we're there and then we get the call
"Ladies and gentlemen, the fasten seatbelt sign is now on..."
Turbulent, turbulence
In a few more moments
I may not get my chance
To say goodbye
I'm afraid that I have only a small window to share
As I sit here uncomfortably in this chair
With the glass smashed against my face
I suppose I'm facing my own fear
And seeing a reflection of self
The runway is clear...